Monday, August 27, 2007


Yang and I are expecting our first child on February 17, 2008. Hooray! We are both so excited (and nervous) to be starting this crazy journey.

My pregnancy has been pretty mild so far. (I realize that the pregnancy gods will make up for it in the third trimester). I was fairly sick for about a month during my first trimester. I was also amazingly exhausted and spacey. It didn’t help that I cut out caffeine. Now I am in week 16, and things are better than before. I’m over the morning sickness, and some of my energy and focus has returned.

I posted some of my thoughts on pregnancy at Feminist Mormon Housewives. (For my non-mormon readers: fMh is a mormon-themed blog (as you can tell from the title). Therefore, keep in mind that my comments there are written for a mostly mormon audience.)

By the way, if you read this SCM, I was dying to tell you at your shower. However, I bit my tongue because I didn’t want to take any focus away from you and Ed!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I thought you looked like you were holding back on me! :)

I couldn't be happier for you both (all three!) and I look forward to attending your shower in the future! I'm so excited!

Yin said...

Thanks Shelley! I'll let you know when we know if it is a boy or girl.

M said...

Hey Yin,

I haven't officially congratulated you yet -- though we've done a lot of talking about you guys around our house! I read your "mommy" thoughts and am so excited for you. I'm also giddy thinking about your DH with a baby! I can't wait to see that... You both will be amazing parents.

You have so many possibilities. I always feel bad for women who HAVE to work, or HAVE to stay home/stay married.

I had to finish up my job after Buddy was born and so several times I took him with me. It was hard because I was SO tired and he wouldn't sleep all day, like I thought he should. On the other hand, though, I was so nervous to be done working. I worried about being bored or conversely, overwhelmed at

In the end, I'm so glad I had the choice. And I had a taste of working with a baby on my lap. I even told my co-workers, "I am so glad I have the choice to work or stay home." I felt a little smug saying that because I know it's not an option for everyone. Thank the good Lord it was for me. And it is for you.

Deep down, you'll just know what feels best. And you can always change your mind later. Good luck choosing.

Yin said...

Thanks M! I, too, am happy to have options. I hope I'll know what to do eventually because right now I'm all confused. My plan is to keep working provided that I can find something I'm comfortable with in terms of child care.

Nikki said...

congratulations! i can't wait to go baby shopping :)

i miss you two :( but i am glad you are doing so wonderfully.

how exciting!

Jess said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys. (And p.s. I linked you guys to my blog so that I can keep track of you. thanks for making a comment on mine so I then I learned that you had a blog too!) :)