Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby Gollum

One of my biggest worries prior to delivering Xiao Mei was how the cats would interact with the baby. Thankfully, that worry turned out to be a non-issue. The cats barely notice the XM is around. They are mildly curious about her and not at all hostile. Phew. However, Gollum seems to be a bit jealous of the attention we give XM. He no longer has exclusive rights to my lap, but has to wait his turn.

I went shopping one evening and left Xiao Mei with Yang. When I came home, Yang was bouncing on the exercise ball. I assumed he was holding XM. When I looked closer, I noticed that Yang was bouncing (and burping) Gollum, and that Xiao Mei was asleep in her swing. It was hilarious. Gollum’s expression conveyed that it was the most natural and normal thing for him to be bounced and burped—just like baby XM.


Chelle said...

Since I've seen this bouncing and burping action first hand the visual is too funny! For some reason I picture Gollum's face to look like the two cats on Lady and the Tramp that think they are pretty hot stuff!

By the way if I really needed to blackmail Yang I'd be quite tempted to turn Mike to this post. For now the secrets safe. =)

Yang said...

Go ahead chelle, any manly dignity I had before was taken out with the last diaper Genie refill cartidge. I find myself sitting on that damned ball even when XM is asleep in the other end of the house.

She has me trained.