Friday, August 29, 2008

On being a mom and an attorney...

While drafting a warranty deed today, I was typing "Lot 114, TRACT D," and I was thinking "Big D, little d, what begins with D? Donuts and a duck-dog, D...d...D."


runningfan said...

Bah-ha-ha-ha!!! I have that ENTIRE book memorized. Our copy is missing A-F (a must-replace book at Christmas), but that doesn't stop Mommy from "reading" the entire thing...

runningfan said...

P.S. Such knowledge also comes in handy when making up sentences for first-graders to copy as homework. What's the letter of the day? G? OK, so "The goat girl had goo-goo goggles." Great!

Yin said...

runningfan - glad to know I will enjoy this book for years to come.

Yang said...

Yeah, the other day I was driving with some of the scouts to a service project and one of them saw something dead in the road and asked, "geez what was that," to which I responded without even giving it a second thought. . . "a zizzer zazzer zuzz, as you can plainly see."

I bet Dr. S. had a fantastic sense of humor.

Chelle said...

The comments here are almost just as good as reading the book.

When I saw the title of your post I was expecting big, deep thoughts on how you're balancing work and motherhood. This is even better.