Thursday, October 09, 2008

Amen, Mr. Friedman

Palin's kind of Patriotism.

I've tried to avoid politics on this blog, but . . . I am very, very afraid of Mrs. Palin.

Ok, back to the personal and mundane, as usual.


M said...

It's semantics, really. Because Patriotism is defined as "love for or devotion to one's country."

There is nothing about paying higher taxes that is patriotic. Paying taxes is a requirement. Not wanting to raise them has nothing to do with a lack of patriotism.

I think patriotism is service, integrity, honesty, voting, defending the constitution, etc.

Yin said...

I'm not a fan of paying taxes either, but it's ridiculous to promise tax breaks while supporting some of the most expensive government programs of all time (i.e. Iraq war, expanding military and defense spending, and the government bailout.)

Chelle said...

Thanks for posting this, Mr. Friedman always has something good to say.

All I have to say through all this is thank you Tina Fey!