Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Edward or Jacob?

If you don’t know what my title refers to, make haste to your nearest library and pick up Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series. For the rest of you, keep reading. (Mild spoilers below).

A friend loaned me the books right after I had Xiao Mei. I was instantly hooked and read all three back to back. At first I was bothered by the juvenile nature of the Edward and Bella relationship, especially in Twilight; but, by the end of Eclipse, I was into it.

Until recently, I was an Edward fan. What is not to like about him? An old fashioned, gorgeous gentleman who drives nice cars, has a caring personality, is intelligent, and is incredibly rich? Oh, and he happens to be a vampire (which seems to add to his appeal rather than take away from it). Anyway, I like Edward, I really do, but the more I think about it the more I realize that he is all wrong for Bella. Throughout the whole series, Bella has a major inferiority complex around Edward. She does not know why he likes her, and she keeps waiting for him to leave her. He has to constantly reassure her that he really does care for her. Relationships require equality, and Bella will always feel unequal to Edward, even if she becomes a vampire herself. One cannot have a healthy relationship when one wonders why they are worthy of the love they receive.

Bella has to end up with Jacob. He is her perfect match. They are equals, they are friends, and they are comfortable with each other. Jacob makes Bella laugh and feel confidence. Edward makes Bella insecure.

I doubt the series will end up with Bella and Jacob together, but it should.


runningfan said...

A lovely review! I recently got hooked myself. I'm saving the third for our trip to Colorado, and it's so hard to ignore the volume on my desk...it's calling my name...

Chelle said...

This is good to hear you've liked them more as you've gone on. I've actually heard this a couple times. I got the audio book for the first one and I liked it but I didn't love it. So it's good to hear you had similar feelings about the first but got into it more after that. I'm more interested in reading them after this review.

Ashley E said...

Hey Sweetness. I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write back. We have had soooo much going on in the last little bit. I am sure you are no stranger to that. Anywho. I have so much to tell you. You can get a little bit from my blog. I recently decided I needed to try it out. Take a look. TheEliasonFamily@blogspot.com. You little girl is a absolute doll. She looks so much like you. I will send you a longer note later. For now take care. Love ya, Ash

Ashley E said...

Oh...I forgot to say...I am completely obsessed with the Twilight book. So good. I am a definite Edward fan.

Hailey Vial said...

don't get me started - don't EVEN get me started!

Yin said...


I assume you are an Edward fan? PLEASE get started!