Thursday, April 01, 2004

What now?

Following up on Yin's post, I am fairly disturbed by what has happened in Iraq. I won't post the links, but the pictures are out there.

I can understand there are some in Iraq who feel the need to be Guerrillas. I can respect that. I can respect someone who for whatever reason feels the need to fight against what they consider an occupying force. I may not agree with it, but I can most certainly respect it.

However, what kind of sick individual takes pride in dragging a dead body through the streets, and then hacking at it with shovels and hoes? There is nothing respectable about that. That is animal savagery. Part of me is beginning to wonder if a culture that accepts/condones/promotes that kind of mentality is worth the time. What a mess we have got ourselves into.

Psychological warfare is certainly an effective element of any conflict. I don't credit the Iraqis with being that organized, but it is possible that this is exactly the reaction they wanted.

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