Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My first attempt at editing video

Yang got me a video camera for Christmas, and I have recorded lots of wonderful video of XM. Unfortunately, the software that came with the video camera is very hard to work with. So, I have hours of unedited video stored somewhere on my hard drive in a random format not recognized by quick time or media player. This is my first attempt at saving the video in a usable format.

It is not edited too well, so I posted this long clip mostly for the benefit of my mother. She will think two and a half minutes of XM trying to crawl (in poor lighting with a shaky camera and annoying narration) is adorable. I need to remember to not talk so much next time I use the camera!

I recorded this last night. XM was very tired, but determined to try to crawl. She gets so frustrated when her legs and arms won't work the way she wants.


M said...

Ahhh... I think it's really cute too. Seriously, hold onto your stuff cause she's well on her way to havoc soon! Within days, I'm sure cause she's got the form down. S high-tailed it out the front door today when I stepped out for about 30 seconds to dump some water on a plant. Buddy was *supposed* to be playing with him.

Ashley E said...
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Ashley E said...

So cute. That was so fun to watch. What a beautiful little girl. I am so happy for you. What a wonderful blessing. love ya.

Chelle said...

I love the rocking stage. They can get up on all fours and then just rock looking at their hands like, "How the heck am I supposed to move this thing forward like I want to."

What a blast. I watched this whole thing and it made me really excited to have a little one again.

She is so cute and I love her little language, she makes her feelings known, I love it.

And you actually sound pretty good, not nearly as bad as I sound when filming my kids. I'm so annoying I can't believe my kids didn't just stand up on two feet and run away at two months old.

Kimberly said...

i cant believe she can get up on all 4's. cutler is way too fat to move. he's still pretty much immobile.