Tuesday, February 17, 2004


I made some cookies this evening that were far too greasy. Didn't have the right amount of flour I think. Having given up on the cookies, I think I am just going to go to bed. There is so much I should do, but very little I feel like doing. I am getting lazier as I get older. I need to be writing a talk I have to give on Sunday. In order to keep everyone awake during my talk, I am going to sing. There is often signing during typical meetings, but for a speaker to sing during a talk is rather unorthodox (but not entirely unheard of). I have found whenever I unexpectedly break into song, one of two things happen--either those around me cover their ears in horror, or they stare in shock and wonder (not because I'm good, but rather because they wonder why is this person suddenly singing). Either way, the results will be a congregation full of people wide awake.

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