Wednesday, February 25, 2004

What Ice Cream Flavor are You?

You scored 44.4% Butter Pecan
Butter Pecan ice cream types are organized, put-together, and generally valued for their fairness, efficiency and lack of pretension -- you won't see a Butter Pecan type putting on airs. In fact, it may be hard for a no-nonsense Butter Pecan type like you to express yourself at all, even though you’re privately quite sympathetic and observant. No doubt you like to plan ahead and take charge, which means you're often over-committed. When it comes to romance and relationships, you’re most compatible with your own kind -- other Butter Pecan types who appreciate hard work and good sense.

I’m also 22% Strawberry, and 11% of Chocolate, Chocolate Chip, and Vanilla. I’m a mut.

Link to the quiz.

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